dear lottery 2023

dear lottery 2023

Dear Lottery, 2023Oh, Lottery, my fickle friend, how I long to write you a different letter this year. A letter filled with gratitude, with stories of how your generous hand has transformed my life. But alas, 2023 has been much the same as years past. The numbers dance before my eyes, taunting me with their impossible combinations, leaving me emptyhanded once again. I know, I know, youre a game of chance, a whimsical dance with fate. But a little hope, a whisper of possibility, wouldnt hurt, would it? This year, dear Lottery, I dream of escaping the mundane. I dream of sunny shores, of laughter echoing through spacious rooms, of the freedom to pursue my passions without the shackles of financial worry.So, as we approach the end of 2023, I ask you, dear Lottery, for just a little sprinkle of your magic. A chance encounter with those lucky numbers, a lifealtering shift in fortune. Perhaps this is the year my dreams take flight, and I finally get to write you a letter of joyous thanks. With a hopeful heart,Your Name

dear lottery 2023